101 Ways To Improve Business Performance

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Last year Lloyds TSB put £102 million into their employees’ profitsharing scheme; two directors of Selfridges shared a £62,000 performance bonus; Misys announced record profits and their share price rose 17 per cent in a day; McDonald’s celebrated its 25th birthday by giving two Big Macs for the price of one; Jenny Beaumont got £2,500 from her company’s productivity improve-ment scheme. It’s good news when your company does well. You congratulate yourself on a job well done – and are rewarded by pay, promotion, status, praise and anything else that’s going. If, on the other hand, your company does badly, competitors circle around like vultures, swooping on any chance of taking your business. So improved performance brings the benefits of:
• long-term survival;
• achievement of objectives;
• less waste and lower operating costs;
• a competitive advantage and higher sales;
• better financial results, such as higher profits, income and wages.
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Book Title: 101 Ways To Improve Business Performance
Total Pages: 153
Posted By: Shakil Ilyas
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