Lighting Modern Buildings

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On the completion of a work of this nature, where help has been received from so many quarters, it is impossible to recognize the many architects and lighting designers individually who have contributed to the book. The Case Studies must speak for themselves, and the architects and lighting designers responsible are acknowledged, but particular thanks must go to those practices who have co-operated so generously in providing the photographs and drawings which illustrate these projects. The most difficult part of writing a book where illustrations play so vital a part, is persuading designers to spend the necessary time in seeking out schemes which they may have completed many years before. Having said this, there are several people who have been generous with their time, in reading and correcting the early theoretical chapters. I must mention Prof James Bell who helped with the chapter on Daylighting; Tony Willoughby and John Howard who have eliminated many of the mistakes I would otherwise have made on artificial lighting; and finally David Loe, and Kit Cuttle from Rensselaer who have helped to clarify my thoughts on the analysis of the ‘architectural problem’, and my approach to ‘seeing and perception’. Many thanks to all those who have helped in one way or another to get this book printed.
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Book Title: Lighting Modern Buildings
Total Pages: 247
Posted By: Shakil Ilyas                                                

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