The other aspect of Yoga given much attention is the control over the physical body that can be gained by long practice of its physical disciplines. Sensational accounts of yogis who can perform amazing feats of bodily control, such as suspension of breathing for extended periods of time, conscious control of the heartbeat and the ability to increase body heat in freezing temperatures get wide publicity. There are stories of yogis who can fly, live to an advanced age or perform amazing psychic feats. Although these stories are, for the most part, never properly verified, the general impression exists, both in the East and West, that Yoga can bestow magical or occult powers on those who learn its deepest secrets.
Kundalini - The Secret Of Yoga By Gopi Krishna
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The other aspect of Yoga given much attention is the control over the physical body that can be gained by long practice of its physical disciplines. Sensational accounts of yogis who can perform amazing feats of bodily control, such as suspension of breathing for extended periods of time, conscious control of the heartbeat and the ability to increase body heat in freezing temperatures get wide publicity. There are stories of yogis who can fly, live to an advanced age or perform amazing psychic feats. Although these stories are, for the most part, never properly verified, the general impression exists, both in the East and West, that Yoga can bestow magical or occult powers on those who learn its deepest secrets.
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